My children will remember who you, I am and what I do , not what I say.
I choose today and everyday to take care of myself.
If my needs are not met , I can not be a happy and joyful parent.
Children feel you , they know you better than you know yourself. If something is unbalanced , look to yourself first.
Bring yourself into balance instead of trying to correct something external , whenever is your child or in the environment.
Be vulnerable, Be angry when you are angry, sad when you are sad and tired when you are tired, Children need to see adults express their emotions and resolve them. If you show only perfection, they won’t learn about authentic emotions and their transient nature.
There are 24hours in a day , and We should all take every opportunities to take care of ourself. Go for a walk , Meditate , Sit in the garden, read a book , make time for yourself and rebalance <3 #butterflysalon #weekend #takecareofyourself via Butterfly Salon
My Sunday Night Rant About Life To All The Mums Out There! My children will remember who you, I am and what I do , not what I say. I choose today and everyday to take care of myself. If my needs are not met , I can not be a happy and joyful parent. Children feel you , they know you better than you know yourself. If something is unbalanced , look to yourself first. Bring yourself into balance instead of trying to correct something external , whenever is your child or in the environment. Be vulnerable, Be angry when you are angry, sad when you are sad and tired when you are tired, Children need to see adults express their emotions and resolve them. If you show only perfection, they won’t learn about authentic emotions and their transient nature. There are 24hours in a day , and We should all take every opportunities to take care of ourself. Go for a walk , Meditate , Sit in the garden, read a book , make time for yourself and rebalance <3 #butterflysalon #weekend #takecareofyourself
My Sunday Night Rant About Life To All The Mums Out There!