Today I focus on all the love , joy , bliss and beauty in my life, when something beautiful happens to me , I stop put my hand on my heart and soak the moment in , breathe into this experience and it becomes part of me forever. There is 24 hours in each day , take just 20-30 mins out for yourself and rebalance. #gratitude #takecareofyourself #dailymeditation #weekend #butterflysalon

Today I focus on all the love , joy , bliss and beauty in my life, when something beautiful happens to me , I stop put my hand on my heart and soak the moment in , breathe into this experience and it becomes part of me forever.
There is 24 hours in each day , take just 20-30 mins out for yourself and rebalance. #gratitude #takecareofyourself #dailymeditation #weekend #butterflysalon via Butterfly Salon

The way its works is that its mechanically exfoliates the outermost layer of dead skin cells and vacuums them away, leaving your skin feeling softer and smoother , your skin look younger and more vibrant. Are you interested ? Give me a call and I can book you in to experience your first Microdermabrasion Facial treatment! <3 ButterflySalon , 04-04-088-236 xx ildi

The way its works is that its mechanically exfoliates the outermost layer of dead skin cells and vacuums them away, leaving your skin feeling softer and smoother , your skin look younger and more vibrant.
Are you interested ? Give me a call and I can book you in to experience your first Microdermabrasion Facial treatment! <3 ButterflySalon , 04-04-088-236 xx ildi via Butterfly Salon